Lançamentos Lançamentos LPs
Quinta, 16.05.2024
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R$ 229,90

Entrega: 20 dias - Americano.
Great Southern Trendkill: 20th Anniversary (2cd)

Lançamento: 21/10/2016
Edição remasterizada e expandida comemorativa dos 20 anos de aniversário do álbum.
Inclui CD extra com faixas ao vivo, instrumentais e novos mixes.
Acompanha livreto com fotos raras da banda.

CD 1
1. The Great Southern Trendkill (Remastered)
2. War Nerve (Remastered)
3. Drag the Waters (Remastered)
4. 10´s (Remastered)
5. 13 Steps to Nowhere (Remastered)
6. Suicide Note, Pt. 1 (Remastered)
7. Suicide Note, Pt. 2 (Remastered)
8. Living Through Me (Hells´ Wrath) [Remastered]
9. Floods (Remastered)
10. The Underground in America (Remastered)
11. (Reprise) Sandblasted Skin [Remastered]

CD 2
1. The Great Southern Trendkill (2016 Mix)
2. War Nerve (Live ´98)
3. Drag the Waters (Early Mix)
4. 10´s (Early Mix)
5. 13 Steps to Nowhere (Instrumental Version)
6. Suicide Note, Pt. 1 (Intro)
7. Suicide Note, Pt. 1 (Early Mix)
8. Suicide Note, Pt. 2 (Live ´98)
9. Living Through Me (Hells´ Wrath) [Instrumental Version]
10. Floods (Early Mix)
11. The Underground in America (Early Mix)
12. (Reprise) Sandblasted Skin [Live ´98]

Best of Pantera: Far Beyond the Great (cd+dvd)

Reinventing the Steel: 20th Anniversary (3cd)

Great Southern Trendkill: 20th Anniversary (2cd)

Atenção: os discos de vinil estão identificados com a sigla (lp) ao lado do título e texto na descrição, caso contrário são CDs.

London Calling Ltda ME - CNPJ 55.602.379.0001/00 - Galeria do Rock: Rua 24 de Maio, 62 - lojas 302/304/306 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil